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USB Easycapture Card
Date:2024-02-21    Hits:128

* reen LED for power indicator Dimensions:88mm x 28mm x 18mm

* Full screen video resolution input:

*Usina USB 2.0 connection: output resolution is full screenDVD video resolution, up to 720x480,30 fps for NTSC,25 fps for PAL,720 x 576

* Using USB 1.1 connection: Video resolution up to 320×240(30 fps) for NTsC and 320×288 for PAL 25 fps

* Video Input: 1 s video input and RCA type composite videoinput

* Video svstem support: NTSC, PAL and SECAM Supportsall video capturelrecording formats including DV,MPEG-1,MPEG-2,MPEG-4 with Divx codec, sVCD/VcD,DVD,AVl,WMV

* High MPEG bitrate adjustment up to 10000K bps Supportscolor adjustments,including brightness,contrast,saturation,hue and sharpness controls uSB powered operation. No

power adapter required

* Power Consumption:5VDC.250mA(max) via USB port :1USB Video Audio Capture Adapter VHS to DVD HDDTvCard ;1 ×User Manual; 1 CD-ROM